The President’s Fireside Chat is a sub-series of the President’s Speaker Series, focusing on local industry leaders and prominent alumni. Hosted by MSU Denver President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., the ongoing series provides an opportunity for an intimate experience for academic courses to engage with local leaders. The series offers a wide range of thought-provoking and conversation inducing ideas and topics. The Fireside Chat Series has featured such guests as Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, Monica M. Márquez, Jenna M. Seidel and Adrian Miller, among others.

Fireside Chat with Gloria Steinem

Headshot of Gloria Steinem by Katie LymanJanine Davidson, Ph.D. will host a Fireside Chat with Gloria Steinem, live from Ms. Steinem’s New York home. 

Gloria Steinem is a writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer. She has spent decades traveling in this and other countries as an organizer and lecturer and is a frequent media spokeswoman on issues of equality. She is particularly interested in the shared origins of sex and race caste systems, gender roles and child abuse as roots of violence, non-violent conflict resolution, the cultures of indigenous peoples, and organizing across boundaries for peace and justice. She lives in New York City.

Join us in the CAVEA Theater for a live watch party at noon MT on Monday, April 7 or attend remotely at this link.

Biography obtained from


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Fireside Chat with Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, Monica M. Márquez

MSU Denver’s president Dr. Janine Davidson asks questions to Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, Monica M. Márquez, during a Fireside Chat on March 6, 2025 at CAVEA in JSSB. Photo by Alyson McClaran

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